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    Applicant’s data

    Organization’s data

    Max limit is 600 characters: 600

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    Max limit is 600 characters: 600

    Max limit is 600 characters: 600

    You can add up to 3 users for your team. Use the fields below to add their contact data

    User 1:

    User 2:

    User 3:

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    Admission Standards | Governance

    Is your Organisation publicly or privately funded?


    Max limit is 600 characters: 600

    Is information regarding the governance structure illustrated on your website (or other publicly accessible database)?


    [group ad-governance-group-1]

    [group ad-governance-group-1-NO]

    If this information is not publicly accessible/available, can you explain why?”

    Max limit is 600 characters: 600


    Is information regarding the sources of funding of your organization illustrated on your website (or other publicly accessible database)?


    [group ad-governance-group-2]

    [group ad-governance-group-2-NO]

    If this information is not publicly accessible/available, can you explain why?

    Max limit is 600 characters: 600


    Admission Standards | Editorial policy

    Is all the material produced published on the organization’s website?


    [group ad-editorial-group-11]


    [group ad-editorial-group-12]


    Max limit is 600 characters: 600

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    Admission Standards | Ethical responsibility

    My organization does not contribute to the circulation and spread of false information.


    My organization takes care about publicly correcting errors though the publishing of corrections and clarification.


    My organization protects the identity and dignity of all individuals involved, including that of those who have been misidentified or falsely accused.


    Sign off

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